Go pick it up! I know I'll be getting a few... dozen ;)
Thanks, Gina and Trevor for choosing me to be your photographer! And thank you to Stevie for shooting their wedding with me!
Here's the cover so you can be sure to find it!

And here's the page!

If you're planning a wedding, be sure to check out TheKnot.com! And if you haven't checked out the online version of the article (there are more photos!) you can see it HERE!
congratulations Nicole! I'm so proud of you! :)
aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! You're famous!!! And I'm famous by association!!!! Congratulations!! Well deserved!!!
wahooooooo! congrats girl! that is awesome & well-deserved. :D
Nice work. I've really enjoyed seeing your beautiful pictures over the past year or so.
Congratulations!!! How exciting!!! What beautiful lighting they had in the reception too!! WoOT WOoT!
We got our copies yesterday....so exciting. And another one of my brides (Alicia) is in it to. So that's a double toot for Gina's Bridal! :-) Thanks Nicole! You're the best and I am so happy we could help promote you.
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