Beautiful Bride, Roller Rink, Cigars and Candy. Needless to say, Molly and Robert's wedding was a blast :)

Doesn't Molly look gorgeous?!

They were both so excited!!!

And then, the real fun began.

One of my favorite bridal party photos ever :)

A cute bride in roller skates, does it get any better than that?

I love this. Robert was playing with his ring all day, I was happy to get such a nice shot of it.

The wonderful
Delia Turner was second shooting for me that day. She really has a way with groomsmen :)

gumballs, anyone?

Thanks, Molly and Robert for letting me be a part of such a great day!
These are great! I love the expressions you captured! I love the skin tone and black and whites... they rock!
What a fun wedding! Gorgeous images, Nicole.
fun stuff nicole! love that bouquet. and i kid you not, just the other day, tommy and i were joking that we want to have a roller-skating wedding reception ;-)
Wow! I love, love, LOVE that they went to a roller rink! That is so awesome! The shot of the bride sitting on the carpeted bench with the lockers just transported me back to 7th grade! :)
Beautiful work - love the details and the unexpected mix of elegance & silliness.
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