From Paulo Coelho- "
There are things that are brought into our lives to lead us back to the true path of our personal legend. Other things arise so we can apply all that we have learned. And, finally, some things come along to teach us."There may be something in your life that doesn't feel right- doesn't fit with the dreams you have for yourself, or seems to be taking you off track from where you want to be. Take the time to step back, and evaluate. I recently had a chat with a past mentor of mine about my own life's journey. I was feeling frustrated, and he told me that what I was doing wasn't taking me away from my goal, rather the things I was learning would be of help to me in eventually reaching that goal.
Don't be disappointed if you feel stuck or even wandering aimlessly at times- take what you've learned, and start back up again towards your dream.
I'll leave you with a photo I took last year in the desert near Vegas. Fitting, as I'm heading there again on Sunday!

Love, and well wishes,