My last event of the year was Gina and Trevor's New Year's Eve wedding! This was a big one for me, not only because it was a huge elegant event, but because it was for someone who has become a friend over the past months. I have had the opportunity to shoot Gina's sister Andrea's wedding, her friend Tara's, and as Gina runs a Bridal shop out of Milford- I've been fortunate to shoot several of her brides as well. I hold Gina and her whole family very dear, and I hope that I was able to do this important event justice!
I also have to thank my dear friend
Stevie for flying up here to shoot with me. Stevie met Gina and Trevor at
Tara and Joe's wedding, and it wasn't hard to convince her to come back for theirs! :)
The beautiful bride.

Gina's dog, Stella.

Gina's sister Carla is (was?) very pregnant. Here she is keeping her feet up.

Happiest baby ever.

I love Gina's parents.

Stevie got this great one of Gina re-writing her vows.

Trevor getting ready:

The wedding was at the Inn at St. Johns, which has such a beautiful chapel.

Gina and Trevor destroying their bed :)

The details were breathtaking! The bouquets, by the way, are all feathers and crystals!

First Dance.

I asked Stevie to get a wide shot of the couple's first dance. She came back with this... I think it's her best shot of the night! GORGEOUS!

Gina and her Father.

I love this one. It's Gina's mom, sisters, and best friend watching the father-daughter dance. That's
Carla with the Camera, who happens to be a great photographer in New York.

Trevor and his mom.

Then it was party time!

And a New Year's kiss to end the night. I love the confetti on Trevor's hat :)

Thank you, Gina and Trevor, for making Stevie and me feel like guests at your spectacular wedding!