I'm sure many of you have heard about recent developments in the World Food Crisis. TIME has a pretty good article summarizing the history and magnitude of the problem. You can read it here.
Here are a couple of excerpts:
"Nearly half a billion people are suffering from some form of hunger; 10,000 of them die of starvation each week in Africa, Asia and Latin America. There are all too familiar severe shortages of food in the sub-Saharan Sahelian countries of Chad, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Upper Volta and Niger; also in Ethiopia, northeastern Brazil, India and Bangladesh. India alone needs 8 to 10 million tons of food this year from outside sources, or else as many as 30 million people might starve."
"You cannot have political stability based on empty stomachs and poverty," he warned. "When I see food lines in developing countries, I know that those governments are under pressure and are in danger of falling."
I don't know about you, but this has hit me hard. Friends of The World Food Program have set up a website where you may make donations to the World Food Program, which is now over $500 million under what is needed to do the work they set out doing. They have warned that they "may have to cut rations for hundreds of thousands of school children if donations don't materialize."
I don't think that this is at all acceptable. No person should go hungry. Personally, I have already set up a charitable giving account with Friends of the World Food Program, but I've decided I'd like to do more.
I'd like my business to not only be about helping myself and my clients, but I'd like to use it to make a difference. Therefore, I plan on donating all profit made on print sales for the 2008 summer season to the World Food Program.
That means, on any print order you make on instaproofs between May 2008- Aug 2008, all proceeds will go towards helping feed those in need!
So please- order that extra 8x10 for grandma! Let's work together to make a difference!

Thank you. My love and gratitude to each of you.
:: As of 6/19/08 we have raised $505 for the World Food Program! I'll let you know the total at the end of August! ::